Friday, April 24, 2009

Reduced Shrinkage

I figured out a way to reduce some of the shrinkage that I was experiencing. I decided to roll my hair on bendable rod rollers. I dampened my hair and stretched it as I rolled it. I went to bed with the rollers in my hair and the next morning although my hair was curly I had regained a great deal of the length that I had lost due to shrinkage. Maybe this can help others as well. I got several compliments on my hair today as well. Notice the difference in these pictures and the pictures from "The Big Wash".


Felicia said...

I am so very glad that I came across this blog. I have needed ideas of what to do with my new baby locks and what to do about the shrinkage and I will try this. Thanks for the suggestion!

Spicylocks said...

I am glad that you found my blog to be helpful. Stay tuned for a lot of other ideas. Let me know how it worked out for you : )

BlaqKofi said...

Great job, Spicy! Your locks looks wonderful. I love the bendable rollers. They are my favorite to this day - 4 years later. They give me the best curls. I appreciate you dropping by my blog and the encouraging words. Enjoy your journey.


Gigglz said...

Hi - your locks look real cute with the rollers. I tried the lock loops last night and I'm in love with my results. I will be posting my pictures later today. This will definitely be a staple hairstyle for a while.

Spicylocks said...

Hey..Your locks are really lookin great. I will be getting the lock loops soon.